Info & FAQ

Activities and equipment

What equipment should we buy?

A lot of our activities are outside regardless of season. The following are the most essential, most needed, and most used items of equipment:

  • Strong comfortable walking shoes or boots (preferably waterproof, but separate wellies if not)
  • A torch (head torches are most useful, but any torch is OK)
  • Leak-proof water bottle (required for nearly all outdoor activities, but many Scouts one every week)
  • A rucksack
  • A waterproof coat (ideally one that will pack away in a rucksack)

Sleeping and other equipment may be needed for camps. Please see our recommended equipment guide for help on what to get and where you can purchase items.


Is second hand uniform available?

We have just started to collect second hand uniform. If you are would like to know what we have available then please contact Tania ( with the section and size you require.

If you have good condition second hand uniform that you are happy to pass on, please hand it in to your section leader.

Where can i buy uniform?

Uniform can be purchased in person at the Dunstable District Scout Shop at:

1st Dunstable Scout Group
Creasey Park Dr
Open 10am to 12pm Saturday mornings.

Buying in person allows your child to try on uniform to ensure you get the right size.

Uniform can also be bought online. There are a number of online Scout stores that sell uniform. The Scout Association Scout Store can be accessed here:

Subs and finance

How much does Scouts cost?

Our membership subs are £40 per term and are payable at the start of each term. The subs go towards the general running costs towards our termly programme.

We also ask for contributions towards attending events that are more costly to run, such as camps, scouting events, trips and visits. We try to budget these as carefully as possible so the contribution asked for is just enough to cover our costs.