
Develop new skills. Soar to great heights. Being a Cub opens up a whole other world.


Our Cubs pack meets each Monday during term time, from 6.30pm to 8.00pm

What we do

At Cubs we run a wide variety of activities ranging from the adventurous to creative. Starting with ideas from the Cubs themselves (developed during Pack Forums), the leadership team try to come up with a varied program of games, activities and visits that make the most of the weather.  We try to spend as much time outside in the summer doing adventurous activities as possible.  

Everything from Arts and crafts to Zip lining can be a potential activity.  Our more recent meetings have included celebrating Burns Night with different Scottish foods and games, trying our hand at Archery at Phasel’s Wood Campsite and a Christmas themed sleepover at Lees Wood Campsite where the Cubs built their own wooden reindeer usings tools and took part in some wide games and a campfire.  

We also try to do plenty of activities that will go towards badges, whether it is learning to iron and fold laundry for the Home Help badge or visiting the Fire station to learn all about what a firefighter does, for the Fire safety badge.  The Cubs had a great time recently, meeting the animals at Pets At Home for their Animal Carer badge. 

Regular events

Easter Egg Hunt on Edlesborough Green – The Cubs have 90 minutes to find hundreds of eggs hidden all over the Green and a chance to win big if they find the special golden eggs.

Water Activity day at Luton Hoo ran by Luton Sea Scouts – We have been lucky enough to secure highly sought after places for the past few years now.  The Cubs get a  chance to try out 6 different water sports including, kayaking, Stand Up Paddleboarding, raft building, canoeing, sailing and rowing. A very wet and fun day had by all.

Cubkhana – A fun filled day of adventurous activities that is put on by the District that allows Cubs from all neighbouring troops to meet up and make new friends whilst taking part in challenges and games.

Cubs vs Beavers Water fight – Our last meeting of the Summer term is always celebrated with a splash! The kids are invited to bring their best water gun and prepare to get drenched, and even get a chance to soak the leaders!

Cubs volunteer team

Cubs is run by Liz, Amy, Matt and Vicky


Message Liz and Amy at