
Open Volunteer Spots: Unlimited

Good with numbers? Want to help provide fun and adventure, without having to make a weekly commitment? The Treasurer position could be for you!

Managing our money is an important part of keeping the group running, enabling our section teams to concentrate on running fun, adventurous activities

Much of our money is automated- collection of money from families for membership fees and events is completed by our membership system. Most expenses are paid using pre-pay cards, and expenses automatically logged

You don’t have to be an accountant to take on this role- if you like numbers, are organised, and have access to a computer, you have all the skills we need

Key responsibilities are:

  • Manging payments for utility bills, insurance, tradespeople, etc
  • Top up and monitoring of Expense Cards
  • Categorisation of payments and expenses
  • Willing to act as a Trustee
  • Willing to undertake a Scouts DBS Check
  • Preparation of annual accounts

Time Commitment

The trustee board meets 3-4 times per year, plus an AGM.

Management of monthly expenditure- 5 to 10 hours per month

Preparation of annual accounts- 5 to 10 hours per year

Initial training commitment of 3-4 hours, with ongoing training of 2 hours every 3 years

Express Interest in Volunteering

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